Monday 15 July 2013


Hey guys! well, this is a blog about friendship and what I think is important in a really close friend. It's going to be kind of similar to my best friends one, but different... 
First of all, I'm going my to talk about what I look for in a friend. If you don't agree with what I say - don't get upset, it's just my opinion.
So I look for someone...
Who has a sense of humour like mine
Who I can have inside jokes with
Someone who I can trust
Someone who is honest with me
Someone who I can relate to - in any way
Someone who is a true friend, and doesn't pretend to be
So that's the points I can thing if off the top of my head, now I'm just going to do a little paragraph for each of my closest friends - Vicky, Jack, Issy and Joe.
First Vicky, Vicky is honestly the sweetest girl I know! She is so kind it's unbelievable. She's funny, pretty, smart and completely perfect. We've had so many memories, I even remember the day we met at Paul's Easter party in 2010, the first night we met, we had a sleepover in Paul's caravan. We've been camping so many times, mostly at Santa Pod. We went on this huge spinny ride 9 times, and we went on the Waltzers with Josh, Niamh and this other boy. Anyway, we went to Wales in April for 5 days, and it was amazing! But the best part is that we're going again for 11 days! How will I ever cope? I can't wait for more adventures in the future!
Now, Jack. Jack is such a great friend, I can literally trust him with any secret and I know he won't tell anyone. We only started talking properly in May(ish). Well, I think anyway. All I remember is messaging each other whilst I was in Ireland. We talk nearly everyday now. He definitely ticks all of the boxes for what I look for in a friend, especially with our inside jokes, I mean, omj, he's the fittie from T (inside jokes)... He is one of the nicest boys I have ever met and I really hope we'll stay close for many years to come.
Thirdly Issy. (By the way, these are in no particular order.) I've only just got close to Issy. Well, ever since we went to Alton Towers last month. She is so pretty, smart and just a genuinely amazing person to be around. Maybe about a month or so ago, she cut her hair off to make it into wigs for children for cancer. How kind is that? Her hair is equally beautiful now, and it really suits her. She is amazing at art and in the summer holidays, we're doing an 'art, clay and photography workshop' at our school. I really hope we get closer and stay closer for the rest of our lives. She is one of the best friends I could have ever wished for.
Finally, Joe. I have known Joe for nearly a year now. We met at one of my friends (Lauren) parents wedding party reception thing. It was the best night ever! Joe has introduced me to some of my favourite bands like The Wombats and The Midnight Beast, and I'm so glad he did! I can tell him anything and I know that he won't tell a soul. We've had so many memories together, like going to Meadowhall, skateboarding and so many more! I used to see him about once every month or two, but now I see him a lot more often. Maybe be because his girlfriend is my cousin Emily. We have a lot in common, and Joe has just started his blog! It's called Your Wonderful Distraction and it is literally going to be amazing! I never want to stop talking or seeing each other and I hope we have many more adventures in the near future!
There we go, a post all about my best friends. Wow, that took me a long time to write. I hope you enjoyed it, I'll leave their social media links down below if you want to go check the, out. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you guys soon! 

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